The Return Of Jesus Christ Of Nazareth

A Course In Miracles is a direct communication from God through Jesus Christ. This course was sent from him to you to open up the path of light to you, and teach you, step by step, how to return to the eternal Self you thought you lost. Jesus is with you now, as your mind and body transform from death to life under the guidence of his resurrected mind.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Meet The Master Teacher of A Course In Miracles

Meet Master Teacher in San Jose, California, at the World Wellness Weekend , Nov. 3-5, 2006

The Master Teacher is a Teacher of God through illumination of mind and body that is the fulfillment of the mission of A Course In Miracles. He constitutes a continuing union with the mind of Jesus of Nazareth through the Holy Spirit. As a Teacher of God, he demonstrates the passion of rebirth that is the goal of all of us in the mind training of the Course.

Lying deep within the awareness of the human mind is a doorway to the fulfillment of man’s yearning for the realization of his own Divine Perfection. Past the tapestry woven by the illusionary limitations of space and time is the discovery of the infinite reaches of Universal Mind. Beyond this portal lies the compelling experience of the marriage of religion and science, the merger of psychology and philosophy, and the integration of heart and mind. Bound no longer by form, concept or fear, this point of communication with God is remembered as the experience of Singular Reality Itself.

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